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5-2 Retransmission Analog Signal
This feature is typically set up at the factory, but it can also be installed as a retrofit in
It is used to transmit an analog signal for process temperature, setpoint temperature, and
flow. The analog signal can be configured to be 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5VDC, 1-5VDC, 0-
10VDC, and 2-10VDC.
The Process Output Low and High values must match the high and low
limits of the controller setup in the Secure menu.
Use the following procedure to set up the analog retransmission output:
1. Insert the analog retransmission card (P/N 691-00537-00) into header “J9.” The card
must be inserted into the header to activate the analog output setpoint menus.
2. Press the Index button two times to access the Secondary menu.
3. Press the Enter button.
4. Press the Index button until the display reads “Analog Out=Process Signal Type.”
5. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the value.
6. Press the Enter button to accept the value.
7. Press the Index button until the display reads “Process Outlow.”
8. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the low limit value.
9. Press the Enter button to accept the value.
10. Press the Index button until the display reads “Process OutHig.”
11. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the high limit value.
12. Press the Enter button to accept the value.
13. Press the Index button until the display reads “Process Out SrC.”
14. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the analog signal source to PROC, SETP, or
Selecting “FLOW” requires additional setup. See the next procedure.
15. Press the Enter button to accept the value.
16. Press the Alarm Silence button to return to Running mode.