(1) Be sure to insert the power plug into AC outlet.
(2) When the power key is turned on, the scale goes through the test scanning sequence, such as
OOOO,OOOO,OOOOO, then 1 1 1 1,l 1 1 1,l 1 1 1 1 . . . . ..and zeros appear on the displays. When the power
key is turned on over about 16 seconds after the power plug is connected to the AC outlet, all “8”s
appear on all displays for a moment, then zeros are displayed and the scale is ready for use.
(3) While scale is in the test sequence, do not put anything on the platter.
(4) Do not move the unit while it is in operation. Should it become necessary to move it at any time,
turn the power switch to OFF position and be sure to readjust the level indicator after relocating
the scale.
(5) Should a power failure occur during operation, remove the commodity from the platter and insert
the power plug into AC outlet again when power is restored.
(6) If scale is used with an unrated power source, inaccurate scaling or other errors may occur.
(7) If Zero Point has shifted during scaling, and no tare is displayed, adjust Zero Point by depressing
Zero key twice.