Southwest Specialty Products 6800 Sleep Apnea Machine User Manual

IOUT (E240) IOUT is the PIA output routine which outputs the character in the A
OPTL (E269) OPTL is the service routine that sets up PORECH for I/O on port 0. The
appropriate command P, E or L is then selected.
PIAECH (E27D) This routine disables the echo on a PIA type interface.
PIAINI (E284) This routine is used to initialize PIA type interfaces.
DELAY (E202) DELAY is a general purpose delay loop. If desired, the index register can be
pre-loaded with a number other than FFFF for shorter delays. The entry point
in this case is DELAY1 (E2C5).
CLEAR (E2CC) This routine generates a home up, erase to end of frame command for
SWTPC CT 1024 and similar terminal systems.
BREAK (E2D9) BREAK is the routine that is used to enter software breakpoints. First, the ad-
dress is input by BADDR. If breakpoints were previously in use the data is
replaced at the previous breakpoint address and the new breakpoint is
PNCHS9 (E31E This routine selects A048 and A049 as the beginning and ending address for
the punch routine and punches their contents. A S9 is then punched to tape
followed by a short delay.
RDON (E334)
RDOFF (E347)
These subroutines are used to turn a reader/punch on and off. At the
beginning of each routine the A accumulator is loaded with the ASCII value
of the particular function that is normally decoded by a Teletype or other
terminal system. The B accumulator is then loaded with a special bit pattern
that will cause a predetermined line to be toggled on PIA type interfaces.
ACC A is then out-put using OUTEEE and if a PIA type interface is being
used the proper PIA line is strobed by the STROBE routine. The proper line
is determined by the con-tents of ACC B. The subroutine RDON also clears
the location PORECH and re-configures PIA type interfaces to be sure that
the echo function of the character input routine is disabled. Both
accumulators and the index register are used and are not retained.
11 20 Reader ON
13 10 Reader OFF
12 04 Punch ON
14 08 Punch OFF
STROBE (E357) This is the routine that actually generates the pulses on the unused lines of a
PIA type interface for reader/punch control.
PUNCH (E376) PUNCH is the ASCII punching routine of SWTBUG, PUNCH consists of
several parts and uses various SWTBUG’s subroutines.
TABLE (E3D1) This is the command table used by the lookup routine. The table is arranged
in three byte blocks. The first byte is the ASCII value of the command. The
next two bytes are the address of the routine that will service the command.
SVVTBUG is a registered trademark of Southwest Technical Products Carp
MlKBUG is a registered trademark of Motorola Inc.
Teletype is a registered trademark of Teletype Corp.