Southwest Specialty Products 6800 Sleep Apnea Machine User Manual

CONTRL (E0E3) This MIKBUG® equivalent sequence again resets the stack to A042.
PORECH is cleared to enable echo and the subroutine SAVGET is selected
to get the correct port number and type. Next, the routines PNCHOF and
RDOFF generate punch and reader off commands. A carriage return, line
feed, erase to end of line (15
) and a $ is then output to the control terminal.
At this point SWTBUG® is ready for command input.
SFEl (E124) SFEl is the entry point for non user-vectored software interrupt instructions. If
vectored software interrupts are selected, a jump is executed to the proper
location. If breakpoints are in use the stack pointer is not changed, the
processor’s registers are displayed and SWTBUG® is instructed to look for
the next command. If neither breakpoints or vectored software interrupts are
selected a register dump occurs and the CONTRL sequence is initiated.
PRINT (E130) PRINT is the routine that actually does the dumping of the processor’s
LOOK (E173) LOOK is the routine that inputs a character from the terminal and jumps to
the appropriate location in SWTBUG® if it is a valid command.
SFE (E18B) Entry point for software interrupt instructions.
S9 (E190) S and 9 string for the end of tape routine.
MTAPE1 (E193) This is the character string containing a carriage return, line feed, erase to
end of line, four nulls, a S1 for tape control and 04 for PDATA1 control.
MCL (E19D) This string contains a carriage return, line feed, three nulls, a $ and a 04 for
PDATA1 control.
E1A5 (E1A5) E1A5 is a special entry location which is used by the binary load routine on
some SWTPC binary tapes.
NMIV (E1A7) This routine fetches the correct jump location for a NMI.
SEARCH (E1AE) Byte searching routine.
GOTO (E1D0) GOTO contains the RTI instruction that is used by the G command to
execute a user program.
SAVGET (E1D3) This routine saves the index register in XTEMP and tests for the appropriate
interface location and type. The index register is then loaded with the
address of this interface.
ISACIA (E1D9) ISACIA is the routine that sees if an ACIA or PIA is present.
BILD (E1F3) BILD is a special sequence of increment stack pointer instructions used only
by the binary loader on some SWTPC binary tapes.
ACIAIN (E1FF) This is the ACIA input routine. PORECH is polled for the desired echo/don’t
condition. The character in the A accumulator is then output, the index
register and B accumulator restored and an RTS instruction executed by the
RES routine.
ACIOUT (E212) This is the ACIA output routine which outputs the character in the A
accumuator, and recovers the B accumulator and index register.
IN1 (E223) IN1 is the PIA input routine which inputs a character from the control terminal
and stores it in the A accumulator. The correct echo/non echo condition is
selected and the B accumulator and index register are restored.