Note: The displays of types RQ1062, RQ1060, RQ1052
and RQ1050 look different but show the same
When this happens, you have to clean the shaving
unit or replace it.
The shaving unit symbol and the tap symbol
with exclamation mark continue to ash until you
unblock the shaving heads.
Charging takes approx. 1 hour.
A fully charged shaver has a shaving time of up to 65
minutes, which is enough for approx. 21 shaves.
The actual shaving time is calculated by the shaver.
If you have a heavy beard, the shaving time may be
less than 65 minutes. The shaving time may also vary
over time, depending on your shaving behaviour and
beard type.
Quick charge
After the shaver has charged for 5 minutes,
it contains enough energy for one shave.
Charging in the Power Pod
1 Put the small plug in the Power Pod.
2 Put the adapter in the wall socket.
3 Pull at the top of the lid (1) and remove it (2).