16 C2453M-C (7/05)
Error Message Explanation
Please Choose a File To Upload No file was specified before clicking Upload.
File Not Found The file specified is not on the handheld device. Go to the handheld
information screen to verify the file exists. Use the HotSync function to
install the software file to the handheld and try again.
Error Opening Port The program cannot open the COM 1 port. Another application may be
using the port. Close the other application, or perform a soft reset to
reset the port.
Error Opening Serial Library The serial library cannot be found. Verify that it is installed by going to
handheld information screen. Palm OS version 3.5 compatible software
should be installed on the device.
Timeout The system is not responding to the download. Check all physical
connections and try again.
Erase Failure The positioning system fails to erase the flash memory before loading
the new software. This is an error received from the positioning system
and is not from the loader software. Cycle power to the positioning
system . Upload the software to the positioning system one more time.
If the message appears again, there may be a problem with the
positioning system. Contact Pelco's Product Support Department.
Program Failure The positioning system failed to program the flash memory with the
new software. This is an error received from the positioning system and
is not from the loader software. Cycle power to the positioning system.
Upload the software to the positioning system one more time. If the
message appears again, there may be a problem with the positioning
system. Contact Pelco's Product Support Department.
Memory Allocation Failure The positioning system failed to allocate memory correctly during the
download process. This is an error received from the positioning system
and is not from the loader software. Cycle power to the positioning
system. Upload the software to the positioning system one more time.
If the message appears again, there may be a problem with the
positioning system. Contact Pelco's Product Support Department.
Termination Received The positioning system received a command instructing it to stop
downloading. This is an error received from the positioning system
itself and is not from the loader software. Cycle power to the
positioning system. Upload the software to the positioning system one
more time. If the message appears again, there may be a problem with
the positioning system. Contact Pelco's Product Support Department.
An Unknown Error Occurred An unknown error occurred. This is an error received from the
positioning system and is not from the loader software. Cycle power to
the positioning system. Upload the software to the positioning system
one more time. If the message appears again, there may be a problem
with the positioning system. Contact Pelco's Product Support