1.1 Safety precautions
Conducting self-diagnosis based on the measurement results and/or
treatment can be dangerous. Please follow the instructions of your doctor.
Self-diagnosis may worsen the symptoms.
Do not touch the infrared sensor with a finger or breathe on it.
• The infrared sensor may become dirty and the correct measurement result
may not be obtained.
• If the infrared sensor becomes dirty, lightly wipe it with a soft dry cloth.
• If you wipe it with a tissue paper or a paper towel, the infrared sensor will be
damaged and may not be able to measure correctly.
Only use probe covers that are especially designed for this unit.
• Do not use a probe cover after someone else has used it. This can lead to
cross infections such as otitis externa.
• If the probe cover becomes dirty with earwax or other substances,
replace it with a new one.
• Correct measurement result may not be obtained if dirty probe covers
are used.
Store the unit out of children’s reach.
Store the unit out of children’s reach. Children may try to measure by them-
selves and may damage the ear. In an emergency case if a child swallows a
battery or a probe cover, immediately consult with a doctor.
Correct measurement results may not be obtained:
• If dirty probe covers are used.
• If the ear is cold wait until the ear is warmed up before taking a
temperature measurement.
• The measured result may indicate low when you use an ice bag or an ice
pack or immediately after coming in from the outside in winter.
• If there is any temperature difference between the places where the unit
is stored and where you are going to measure, leave the unit in the room
where you are going to use it for more than thirty minutes to allow it to reach
room temperature first, then measure.
Do not forcibly insert the probe in the ear.
• If you feel discomfort such as a pain during the measurement, stop using
the unit immediately. It may injure the external auditory canal.
• Do not use the GentleTemp 510
if suffering from ear disease such as
otitis externa or otitis media. It may worsen the condition.
• Do not use the unit when the external auditory canal is wet such as after
swimming or taking a bath. It may injure the external auditory canal.
• Do not throw batteries into a fire. The battery may explode.
GentleTemp 510 English
13413 MC-510-E2_ver.6_MC-510-E2 10/04/2013 17:20 Page 3