18 Leica MZ16 F – Operation
4. Operation
4.1 Description
4.1.1 Fluorescence technology
Fluorescent substances light up (fluoresce) when
irradiated with short-wave excitation light. Fluo-
rescence technology makes use of this property
by coloring or marking certain object structures
and details that do not have their own fluores-
cence with a fluorescent dye. One such dye is
green fluorescent protein (GFP), which is used in
molecular biology.
4.1.2 Functional principle
With the Leica MZ16 F fluorescence stereomicro-
scope, entire fluorescent specimens can be
examined three-dimensionally and unprepared,
manipulated, sorted and documented. With a fully
apochromatic optics system, manual 16:1 zoom
and built-in double iris aperture, the Leica MZ16 F
is the high-performance stereomicroscope for
fluorescence applications. The patented, separate
light path* for fluorescence illumina-
tion and the patented FLUOIII
filter system* pro-
vide highest-quality fluorescence images. The very
bright high-pressure mercury burner and specially
selected filter sets enable you to distinguish the
finest structures and enhance the quantity of infor-
mation for incident light fluorescence.
filter system consists of a rapid filter
changer for barrier and excitation filters and a fil-
ter insert for a filter holder with your choice of fil-
ter. A total of four filter sets can be used in the
rapid filter changer. The filter sets are labeled (see
table 22). An empty filter cartridge is also available
for individual filter combinations. Each filter set
includes two barrier filters to the visual beam
paths and an excitation filter to the illumination
beam path.
5. Functions
5.1 Stereomicroscope settings and
We recommend that you first familiarize
yourself with the controls of the Leica MZ16 F in
transmitted light without the presence of fluores-
cence illumination.
After switching on the high-pressure
mercury lamp, you need to adjust the burner
immediately see User Manual M2-216-1).
Familiarize yourself with the functional elements
of the Leica MZ16 F such as the binocular tube,
eyepieces, zoom magnification changer, focusing
drive, stands etc. by referring to User Manual
M2-105-0 for Leica M stereomicroscopes. This
manual describes all settings of the stereomicro-
scope in detail. The following describes only the
functions that are specific to the Leica MZ16 F
with fluorescence system.
* Patented in EP (CH, DE, FR, GB),
other patents applied for.