Invacare Scooters 6 Part No. 1090132 Rev F
vNOTE: Flat free inserts are standard on all wheels.
*NOTE: Total weight of scooter includes Contour Seat Only. Add an additional 9-lbs for Deluxe Seat.
Overall Length: 47.5-inches (125 cm) 54-inches (137 cm)
Overall Width: 25-inches (64 cm) 26-inches (66 cm)
Ground Clearance: 3.25-inches (8.26 cm) 6-inches (15.24 cm)
Seat Height
From Floor Pan:
Contour Seat: N/A N/A
15-1/2-inches (39 cm)
16-1/2-inches (42 cm)
17-1/2-inches (44 cm)
Deluxe Seat: 16-1/2-inches (42 cm) 17-inches (43 cm)
17-1/2-inches ( 44 cm) 18-inches (46 cm)
18-1/2-inches (47 cm) 19-inches (48 cm)
19-1/2-inches (49 cm)
Armpad to Floor:
Fixed: 27- 30-inches N/A
(68 - 76 cm)
Adjustable: 27- 33-inches 30 - 36-inches
(68 - 83cm) (76 - 91cm)
Front Frame Section: 48 -lbs (22 kg) 75 -lbs (34 kg)
Rear Frame Section: 39 -lbs (18 kg) 58 -lbs (26 kg)
Contour Seat w/arms N/A N/A
Deluxe Seat w/Arms 35 -lbs (16 kg) 43 -lbs (19 kg)
Rear Shroud 2 -lbs (1 kg) 4 -lbs (2 kg)
Batteries:(each) 23-lbs (10 kg) 31-lbs (14 kg)
Total Weight
w/o Batteries: 124-lbs (56 kg) 180-lbs (82 kg)
w/ Batteries: 170-lbs (77 kg) 242-lbs (110 kg)
vWheel Size
Front: 3 x 10-inches 4 x 13-inches
(7.62 x 25.40 cm) (10.16 x 33.02 cm)
Rear: 3 x 10-inches 4 x 13-inches
(7.62 x 25.40 cm) (10.16 x 33.02 cm)
Max. Weight
Limitation: 300 lbs (136 kg ) 400 lbs (181 kg)
Maximum Speed: LOW HIGH
5-1/2 M.P.H. 5¼ M.P.H. 7¼ M.P.H.
(9 K.P.H) 8½ K.P.H 11¾ K.P.H
Max. Incline
and Stability: 8
incline 8
PANTHER (4-Wheel Models)
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