DL-00035 Rev. 4
Some important things to note before using the VitalPoint Home Monitor:
Choosing a Location for the Monitor
The VitalPoint Home Monitor should be placed in a location that is:
• Nearapoweroutletandaphonejack.
• Flatandstable.Atabletopisagoodchoice.
• Awayfromcommonareas.Avoidareaswithalotoffoottraffictohelp
prevent injury from tripping on cords and to help prevent the cords from
being disconnected.
• Awayfromawatersource.Avoidareasnearsinks,showers,andbathtubs.
Turning the Monitor On
Turn the monitor on by flipping the switch located on the back of the monitor.
A green light on the front is lit when the monitor is powered on. The monitor
should be left on at all times while in your home.
Dimming Feature
The monitor’s main screen will automatically dim after 5 minutes so that the
brightness will not disturb a patient who wishes to sleep. A simple tap on the
screen or any monitor activity will return the screen to its original brightness.
Power Supply
The monitor should be kept plugged into an AC power outlet at all times while in
your home. Connect the AC adapter to the monitor by plugging the round
connector into the receptacle on the right side of the monitor. Plug the other
end of the AC adapter into an AC power outlet. The green light on the plug indi-
cates proper connection of the adapter. Use only the power supply cord that
came with the monitor.
The monitor contains a lithium-ion rechargeable battery. In the event of a power
outage, the monitor can function on this battery for up to 5 hours. If power is
out for a longer period of time, contact your clinician.