2 - 24
Ï Fasten the wire harness, TPS
lead (in the wire harness),
starter motor lead and negative
battery lead to the frame with a
plastic locking tie and cut off
the tie end.
Ì Make sure that the TPS cou-
pler does not go out the chas-
Ó Fasten the TPS lead to the
frame with a plastic band.
È Fasten the neutral switch lead
and oil hose together with the
plastic locking ties and cut off
the tie ends.
Ô Pass the cylinder head
breather hose through the hose
Fasten the neutral switch lead
to the frame with a plastic band
ends outward.
Ò Fasten the neutral switch lead
and AC magneto lead to the
frame with a plastic band.
˜ Pass the cylinder head
breather hose on the outside of
the radiator hose 1 and on the
inside of the radiator pipe (radi-
ator hose 4).
ˆ Pass the oil tank breather hose
on the outside of the AC mag-
neto lead, neutral switch lead,
lights switch lead, wire harness
and cylinder head breather
Ø Pass the wire harness on the
outside of the neutral switch
lead and AC magneto lead.
∏ Fit the brake hose into the
guides on the protector.
Œ Pass the wire harness through
the cable guide.
 Fasten the AC magneto lead,
neutral switch lead and lights
switch lead to the cable guide
at their protecting tube with a
plastic locking tie and cut off
the tie end.
Í Pass the carburetor breather
hoses, overflow hose and cool-
ant reservoir tank breather
hose so that the hoses do not
contact the rear shock