The “Others” Edit Parameters
Please note that a number of OTHERS EDIT parameters which are available
in the VOICE sound module mode are not available in the VL-XG sound
module mode (page 28). The parameter numbers are therefore different in each
● VOICE Sound Module Mode “Others” Edit Parameters
Refer to the page numbers listed for full details on each parameter.
Vibrato ............................................................................................. 79
01: Vib Rate (Vibrato Rate)
02: Vib Depth (Vibrato Depth)
03: Vib Delay (Vibrato Delay)
Detune & Voice Level ..................................................................... 79
04: Detune (Detune)
05: VoiceLevel (Voice Level)
Assignment & Expansion ............................................................... 80
06: Mono/Poly (Monophonic/Polyphonic Mode)
07: AssignMode (Assign Mode)
08: PolyExpnd (Polyphonic Expansion)
Velocity Sensitivity ......................................................................... 81
09: VelSensDpt (Velocity Sensitivity Depth)
10: VelSensOfs (Velocity Sensitivity Offset)
Note Limits ...................................................................................... 81
11: NoteLimitL (Low Note Limit)
12: NoteLimitH (High Note Limit)
Portamento ...................................................................................... 82
13: Porta Mode (Portamento Mode)
14: Porta Sw (Portamento Switch)
15: Porta Time (Portamento Time)
Dry Level & Voice Name................................................................. 82
16: Dry Level (Dry Output Level)
17: Voice Name (Voice Name)
Other Edit Parameters