After converting all 48 rows in the example we
have the following hexadecimal bytes:
Some VL70-m system exclusive message
require a “checksum” — a data byte which is
used to check for errors during MIDI data transfer.
The checksum is calculated using the system
exclusive message start address and data (data
size). A method of calculating the checksum is
given below, using a simple data format as an
1. Convert the hexadecimal start address and
data bytes (underlined in the example) to
decimal format using the chart below. Each
two-digit hexadecimal byte becomes a
decimal number.
• “mm”, the Model ID, is “57” when the VOICE
sound module mode is selected, and “4C” when
the VL-XG sound module mode is selected.
5. Plug the data derived from the bitmap design
into the “xx xx .... xx xx” portion of the
bitmap window data format, and you have
the data stream required to display the
design on the VL70-m display.
FO 43 0n
ss ss ss xx xx •• xx xx CS F7
Data (size)Model ID
Start address
Device number.
00 0
01 1
02 2
03 3
04 4
05 5
06 6
07 7
08 8
09 9
0A 10
0B 11
0C 12
0D 13
0E 14
0F 15
10 16
11 17
12 18
13 19
14 20
15 21
16 22
17 23
18 24
19 25
1A 26
1B 27
1C 28
1D 29
1E 30
1F 31
20 32
21 33
22 34
23 35
24 36
25 37
26 38
27 39
28 40
29 41
2A 42
2B 43
2C 44
2D 45
2E 46
2F 47
30 48
31 49
32 50
33 51
34 52
35 53
36 54
37 55
38 56
39 57
3A 58
3B 59
3C 60
3D 61
3E 62
3F 63
01 0E 30 40 00 01 07 09 13 22 43 23 13 09 07 01
70 0C 03 00 00 70 7C 72 79 48 48 48 79 72 7C 70
00 00 00 40 20 00 00 00 00 40 20 40 00 00 00 00