From, To (Sample number range)
Range: 00 … 63
The “From” and “To” parameters specify the range of samples to be as-
signed to the current waveform. “From” specifies the first sample and “To”
specifies the last sample in the range to be assigned. If both the “From” and
“To” parameters are set to the same sample number, then only that sample is
assigned to the waveform. If, for example, “From” is set to “2” and “To” is set
to “5”, then sample numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5 are assigned to the waveform.
Up to 64 samples can be assigned to all used waveforms. For example, if 4
waveforms are in use, a total of 64 samples can be assigned for all 4 wave-
forms. Sample numbers must be assigned to the active waveforms in sequence.
For example, if samples 0 and 1 are assigned to waveform 1, and samples 2
and 3 are assigned to waveform 3, then no samples can be assigned to wave-
form 2. If, of the other hand, samples 0 and 1 are assigned to waveform 1, and
samples 3 and 4 are assigned to waveform 3, then only sample 2 can be as-
signed to waveform 2.
This function assigns the selected sample(s) to the currently selected “waveform”
(the waveform is selected via the utility mode “Waveform” parameter (page 237).
The “2: Sample” functions, described below, allow each sample assigned to a
waveform to be mapped to a specific range of the keyboard, as well as allowing the
volume, pitch, and loop characteristics of each sample to be set individually.
[UTILITY/SELECT] -> 5: Wave -> [ENTER] -> [EDIT/COMPARE] -> 1: Waveform -> [ENTER] -> [PAGE]
-> 1-1: Assign -> [ENTER]