VOICE EDIT MODE / 3: Full Edit. 3-6: Controller
Fmod (Frequency modulation depth)
Range: 0 … 127
Sets the maximum depth of filter cutoff frequency modulation (wah-wah
type effects) applied via keyboard aftertouch.
A setting of “0” allows no frequency modulation, while a setting of 127
results in maximum frequency modulation.
When setting up the LFO (low-frequency oscillator) to apply cutoff modula-
tion, this parameter must be set to a value other than “0” if cutoff modulation
is to be applied via keyboard aftertouch. Also, the filter “Ctrl” parameter (page
123) must be set to “LFO” in order to vary the cutoff frequency continuously.
EGBs (EG bias depth)
Range: -127 … +127
Sets the depth and “direction” of EG bias produced by aftertouch response.
EG bias increases or decreases the amplitude envelope generator levels, simulat-
ing the dynamic variations that can be produced on an acoustic instrument more
accurately than simple volume control.
A setting of “0” produces no change in EG levels. Plus (“+”) settings
produce an increase in level when aftertouch is applied, and minus (“–”) set-
tings produce a decrease in level when aftertouch is applied. The greater the
value, the greater the change in level.
Cof (Cutoff frequency depth)
Range: -127 … +127
Sets the maximum depth of filter cutoff frequency variation applied via
keyboard aftertouch.
Plus “+” settings produce higher cutoff frequencies in response to aftertouch
— i.e. the greater the aftertouch pressure, the higher the cutoff frequency. The
maximum setting of “+127” produces the maximum cutoff variation. Minus “–”
settings produce the opposite effect: lower cutoff in response to greater
aftertouch pressure. A setting of “+0” results in no cutoff variation. The filter
“Ctrl” parameter (page 123) must be set to “LFO” in order to vary the cutoff
frequency continuously.