4-11: CONTROL 1 / 4-12: CONTROL 2
0: “off”
1: “Mod.Whl.”
2: “Breath C”
4: “Foot Cnt”
5: “Porta.Sp”
6: “Data Ent”
7: “Foot Vol”
8: “Balance ”
10: “Panpot ”
11: “Express.”
64: “Hold 1 ”
65: “Porta.Sw”
66: “Sostenut”
67: “Soft ”
69: “Hold 2 ”
91: “Effect D”
92: “TremoloD”
93: “Chorus D”
94: “CelesteD”
95: “Phaser D”
96: “Inc. ”
97: “Dec. ”
98: “NRPN LSB”
99: “NRPN MSB”
100: “RPN LSB”
101: “RPN MSB”
121: “AfterTch”
122: “Velocity”
123: “KeyScale”
124: “LFO ”
EF Param (Effect parameter)
Range: Depends on selected effects.
Selects the effect parameter to be controlled by the specified MIDI device.
“Ef1Prm1” through “Ef1Prm8” on the display stand for “effect 1 parameter 1”
through “effect 1 parameter 8”. Likewise “Ef2Prm1” through “Ef2Prm8” on the
display stand for “effect 2 parameter 1” through “effect 2 parameter 8”. The
parameters available for each effect are different, but the name of the selected
parameter will be shown between the parentheses on the top line of the display.
Parameters that can not be assigned are indicated by dashes (“--------”) instead
of a parameter name. In addition to the indivual effect parameters a range of
send level, balance, and LFO parameters are also available, as listed below:
Min (Minimum parameter value)
Range: 0 … 100
Sets the lower limit of the control range. A setting of “0”, for example,
means that when the lowest control change value is received the assigned
parameter will also be set to its lowest value. A setting of “50” means that the
lowest control change value will set the assigned parameter to about 50% of its
range (a parameter with a range of 0 to 127, for example, would be set to
about 63).