
Chapter 15 Isolator and Filter Power Tips
75 Dark mixes and deep grooves — cut
the Cutoff!
Here’s a powerful trick to instantly darken up your tracks — if that’s what you’re after. It’s also
great for getting a phat, bottom-heavy sound!
First, set the Cutoff and Resonance to zero. Notice how all the high end disappears from the sound,
and all your left with is a pulsing bass! You can accentuate this effect even more by boosting the
Isolator Low knob to the maximum and setting Mid and High to the minimum.
From this starting point, try bringing up the Resonance. Then play with the Cutoff knob in time with
the rhythm for some stunning fillter sweep effects. It’s a great way to fade in the other rhythm parts
— plus bring in some killer textures!
To bring things back to normal, turn the Cutoff and Resonance knobs to their center positions. Do
it on the “one”!