Chapter 3
Isolator Basics
More sonic control to you! The Isolator lets you tailor the sound just the way you want
it — phat and round, thin and edgy, or big and banging!
18 Tweak the sound just right!
Need a beefier low end? Want to put some edge and shimmer in the top? Tweak these knobs to
your heart’s content, and get the sound just the way you want it! Try turning the Low and High
knobs of the Isolator a little bit to the right, and make the sound more punchy. Try other settings as
well to get the sound just right!
Each of these knobs boosts or cuts a general frequency band of the sound. Technically, the range
for each knob is -12dB to +12dB.
Be careful with this, though — if the Master Volume is at or near the max, boosting these fre-
quencies can result in some nasty distortion!
Helpful hint: Avoid boosting the level (when possible). For example, if you want to emphasize
the highs and lows, add a gentle mid cut instead.
Low Mid High
Low Mid High
Low Mid High
Boosted low end, slightly
crisper high end.
Very tinny sound — almost
no bass, very bright and brit-
tle high end.
Flat response — normal set-