
Chapter 14 Live Effector Power Tips
71 Echo
Many styles of dance music use echo effects in surprising, unique ways. The DJX-IIB’s Echo effect
lets you use the popular 3/4 beat delay to build up dramatic rhythmic rolls and fills. It also gives
you some fascinating echo textures to use in transitions and endings.
Here’s a cool trick you can use in your own music! Select P25 and start up V A1 with only the Per-
cussion. (Use the Part Mixer to bring the mix down to the minimum; see page 32.) Set CONTROL
to about 2 o’clock and BALANCE to roughly 12 o’clock (center). Turn on the effect, then stop the
Pattern and let the Percussion repeats fade out. Just before the Percussion disappears, start the
Pattern with all the Parts on! (Press LOOP to turn all Parts on.)
72 Lo-Fi
Though you may have personal preferences of your own, Lo-Fi is often best when set to the
extreme settings — with CONTROL at max and BALANCE at wet.
To get an even more authentic AM radio sound, set the Isolator LOW and HIGH knobs to min. Work
these controls in rhythm, and try to bring the sound back to normal right on the “one” downbeat —
turning the effect off and bringing the LOW and HIGH knobs to center as quickly as you can!
73 Wah
Tweak the knob until you hit the “sweet spot” — the point at which the Wah’s modulation cycle
syncs up to the bpm and gives you the rhythmic effect you want. (See the illustration in Tip 64 for
details on how the knob settings relate to bpm.)