Auto Accompaniment
Auto Accompaniment
5 As soon as you play a chord with your left hand, the auto
accompaniment starts.
For this example, play a C major chord (as shown below).
6 Try playing other chords with your left hand.
For information on how to enter chords, see “Chord Fingerings” on page 70.
7 Press the [START/STOP] button again to stop the accompa-
Try out some of the other styles...
■ Metronome and Bass Chord Hold
These are two special styles designed for practice purposes; they do not have any of the
normal rhythm or accompaniment patterns of the other styles. To call them up, select
Page 2 of the Ballroom category by pressing the [P2] button.
● Metronome
This style plays back only a metronome click, without any other rhythm parts. Use this as you
would a normal metronome, practicing in time with the click. You can adjust the tempo with
the data dial. Playing chords in the Auto Accompaniment section of the keyboard produces
corresponding bass notes and chords, just as in Bass Chord Hold below. There are five dif-
ferent metronome settings, each with a different time signature.
● Bass Chord Hold
Even with the auto accompaniment turned on, this style does not play any rhythm parts, but
simply holds the bass note and chord that correspond to the chord you play in the Auto
Accompaniment section of the keyboard. this is convenient for practicing chords without hav-
ing to play along with a rhythm. There are five different bass note/chord settings, each with
different voices.
Split Point
Auto Accompaniment
Category Style Name Comment
8 BEAT Heart Beat Standard 8-beat pop. Enjoy the
sound of the strumming guitars.
Spicy Beat Modern 8-beat that uses the Hit and
Live! Standard drum kits.
8Beat Adria This gorgeous style evokes the north
Mediterranean, but can be used well
for a variety of songs.
AcousticBld An unplugged style with a half-time
3/4 feel. Check out the great guitar
16 BEAT Slow & Easy This style evokes the sophisticated,
relaxed atmosphere of a modern jazz
Smooth Jazz Enjoy the Latin feel of this modern fu-
sion style.
DANCE House Musik Analog synths, techno drums, rave
beat — today’s modern dance music
at your fingertips.
DiscoChoco Try starting this classic 70’s disco
style with Intro III.
Flip Hop This contemporary hip hop rhythm
features sine wave acid lines and
high-pitched snare. Rap along with
Category Style Name Comment
Big Band 3 Traditional big band style especially
suited for ballads and slow blues.
Swingfox Check out the different major and mi-
nor patterns for Intro III. This style is
good for a wide wide range of songs.
This style is perfect for recreating the
sound and atmosphere of the great big
bands and orchestras of the swing era.
Piano Swing A swinging Pianist style. Turn the
CHD1 (chord) part on and off for dif-
ferent arrangements.
R&B SoulShuffle Check out the dynamic sounds of the
Live! Standard drum kit, especially in
the Break fill pattern.
GospelBros Check out the different gospel
grooves in the Main A - D patterns.
Boogie 1 Start this out without the drums and
bass, then bring them in for a full-tilt
boogie band.
RockShuffle This heavy rock shuffle features the
distortion effect on the guitar.
COUNTRY Country 2/4 This driving country-pop style can be
used for a variety of other music
styles as well.
LATIN Samba City This contemporary Samba-pop style
features dynamic toms from the new
Live! drum kit. Check out Ending III.
A fully orchestrated, luscious waltz style,
perfect for elegant ballroom dancing.