Creating Plug-in Custom Voices
Creating Plug-in Custom Voices
Reference 105
Native System Parameter Editing
The word “native” here describes the parameters that are exclusive to each of the Plug-
in Boards. Because of this, the editing screens displayed on the 9000Pro will differ
depending on the particular Plug-in Board being used. For example, when editing
Plug-in voices of the PLG150-VL, parameter names such as “WX Lip” and “Brth
Curv” (Breath Curve) which are unique to the VL tone generation system are dis-
played, as shown below on the right.
The illustration below applies to step #7 of the Basic Procedure on page 101.
Select the desired Board.
When the same (or same type)
of Plug-in Boards (e.g., the
PLG100-DX and the PLG150-
DX) have been installed in the
two slots, only SLOT 1 is avail-
This lets you change the volume out-
put from the Plug-in Board and adjust
the relative balance among the
9000Pro preset voices and the Plug-
in voices.
Please note the following points.
• The volume balance of the song
using the Plug-in voices is changed
by adjusting this value.
• When the same (or same type) of
Plug-in Boards have been installed
in the two slots, only the value set
for SLOT 1 is available.
You can store the settings in this display
to Flash ROM by using this button.