Song Creator
Song Creator
114 Reference
Song Edit Functions (Multi Track Recording)
The explanations here apply to step #6 on page 111.
■ Quantize
Quantize lets you “clean up” or “tighten” the timing of a previously recorded track.
For example, the following musical passage has been written with exact quarter-note and eighth-
note values.
Even though you think you may have recorded the passage accurately, your actual performance
may be slightly ahead of or behind the beat (or both!). Quantize allows you to align all the notes
in a track so that the timing is absolutely accurate to the specified note value.
● About Quantize size
Set the Quantize size to correspond to the smallest notes in the track you are working with. For example,
if the data was recorded with both quarter notes and eighth notes, use 1/8 for the quantize value. If the
quantize function is applied in this case with the value set to 1/4, the eighth notes would be moved on
top of the quarter notes.
Press this to quantize the data.
This determines how “strongly” the notes
will be quantized. If a value less than
“100%” is selected, notes will be moved
toward the specified quantization beats
only by the specified amount.
Select the Quantize size (resolution).
See below for details.
Select the track to be quantized.
One measure of 8th notes before quantization
After quantization
1/8 note
1/16 note
1/32 note
1/16 note +
1/8 note triplet
1/4 note
1/4 note triplet
1/8 note triplet 1/16 note triplet
1/8 note +
1/8 note triplet
1/16 note +
1/16 note triplet
The quantize sizes are :
• The three Quantize settings
marked with asterisks (*) are
exceptionally convenient, since
they allow you to quantize two
different note values at the
same time, without compromis-
ing the quantization of either
For example, if you have both
straight 1/8 notes ( ) and 1/8
note triplets ( ) recorded to
the same track, and you quan-
tize to straight 1/8 notes ( ),
all notes in the track are quan-
tized to straight 1/8 notes —
which completely eliminates
any triplet feel in the rhythm!
However, if you use the 1/8
note + 1/8 note triplet setting
( ), both the straight and trip-
let notes will be quantized cor-