976-0043-01-02 H–1
“Glossary” contains a glossary of technical terms used in this manual. The
glossary also defines some common electrical terms.
“Glossary” also defines abbreviations and acronyms associated with the Sine
Wave Plus and this manual.
Glossary of Terms
The second stage of three-stage battery charging. Voltage
remains constant and current tapers as internal battery
resistance increases during charging. This ensures complete
The type of electrical power supplied by the power utility.
The unique characteristic of this form of electricity is that it
reverses direction at regular intervals. For example, 120 Vac
60 Hz power reverses flow 60 times a second, hence the
rating 60 Hz (cycles).
A measurement of the flow of electrical current. One amp is
equal to the electric force of one volt acting across the
resistance of one ohm.
One amp of electrical current flowing for one hour. Expresses
the relationship between current (amps) and time. (Ohm’s
law: A = V/R)
A group of solar electric modules wired together.
The first stage of three-stage battery charging. Current is sent
to batteries at the maximum rate they will accept while
voltage rises to full charge level.
The rate of flow of electrical charge. The flow of amps is
often expressed as current.
The type of electricity stored in batteries and generated by
solar electric devices. Current flows in a single direction.