User Menu Description
976-0043-01-02 8–19
Menu items 02B through 02F will indicate “NO” unless the generator-
start parameters are met as programmed in the Advanced Setup Menu
(Menu items 24, 25, and 26).
02B Gen Start Load Amps
A “YES” displayed in this menu item indicates the generator has or is
about to start and run as the current has maintained the 26A Load Amp
Start setting continuously for the time set in 26B Load Start Delay Min.
02C Gen Start Volts/Manual
A “YES” displayed in this menu item indicates the generator has or is
about to automatically start and run because the battery voltage reached
one of the “start volts” settings, selected in 26D through 26G, or has been
manually started by selecting ON from menu 02A Generator.
This automatic start setting is delayed by the time period set by the
26 Gen Auto Run Setup Menu settings (e.g., 24 hours (26D), 2 hours
(26E), 15 minutes (26F), 30 seconds (26G).
02D Gen Start Exercise Run
A “YES” displayed in this menu item indicates the generator has or is
about to start because the 24E Exercise Period Days setting in menu item
24E has been reached. The generator will continue to run for the time set
in menu item 24F Gen Exercise Time Min.
This automatic start setting is delayed by the time period set in menu
24E Exercise Period Days.
02E Gen Start Run Time
A “YES” displayed in this menu item indicates the generator is starting or
running because the setting in menu 24A Gen Run Time Start h:m has
been reached. The generator will stop when the time set in menu
24B Gen Run Time Stop h:m or 24C Quiet Time Begin h:m setting has
been reached.
02F Days Left To Gen Exercise
Displays the number of days left before the generator will be exercised
(run) again. This time is based on the last time it was exercised as set in
menu heading 24E Exercise Period Days. This setting will be reset if the
generator is turned on and sensed at the AC2 terminals.