Advanced Setup
7–26 976-0043-01-02
24 Generator Timers Menu
This menu heading sets parameters for starting the generator based on
time. In this menu, you can set the generator to start and stop at a
specified time each day. You can specify a quiet time, an exercise time,
and a cooldown period for the generator.
1. The generator will be prevented from automatically starting when the
inverter’s time of day is in the “quiet time” period–between 24C Quiet
Time Begin h:m and 24D Quiet Time End h:m. At which time, it will
only start if the 11C Set Low Battery Cut Out VDC or 26G Read LBCO
30 Sec Start setting for the LBCO delay period is reached.
2. If the generator is automatically stopped (except for Gen exercise), the stop
command will be provided after the adjustable cooldown period (24G Gen
Cooldown Timer Minutes) has finished.
3. Most generators will shut down immediately after receiving an automatic
shutdown command. Some generators may have an internal automatic
cooldown period and continue to run.
4. During Quiet Time, the auto-start generator is prevented from
automatically starting unless the battery voltage reaches the LBCO setting
for the LBCO delay period.
5. An auto-start generator will turn off if an AC source is connected to the
AC1 terminal (unless AUTO start was based on exercise start or RN 2
Mode was selected for the RY7 Mode.)
6. If the inverter is OFF or in Bypass Mode (AC1 or AC2 selected) and RY7
Mode is not RN2, all generator auto-start functions (except for exercise
start) are disabled.
7. The auto-start generator will stop immediately under any condition if OFF
is selected under the 02 Generator Menu Item.
8. No battery charging occurs if the auto-start generator is started based on
exercise period.
9. The inverter will attempt up to six auto-generator starts if RY7 Mode = GS
or RN1. The inverter will attempt one auto-generator start if RY7 Mode =
10. The auto-start generator will always finish with cooldown unless turned off
or exercise start/stop.
11. The auto-start generator does not shut down, but begins the cooldown
period when the 24C Quiet Time h:m is reached.