Description of Controls
X2 Reference Manual 85
Erasing Memory
To erase all memory including the mute events in all 100 Songs and their 400 Mute
Groups, hold ALT (ALL) and press ERASE FWD and DEC simultaneously. This
function is not reversible.
By holding ALT and pressing UPDATE (SYS EX), all memory is dumped out the
MIDI OUT port. This information can be recorded into a MIDI sequencer, or
librarian program, or stored to a System Exclusive data storage device, such as the
Alesis DataDisk.
When sending this System Exclusive information back into the X2 (or into another
X2, for that matter), the information is automatically detected when it reaches the
X2’s MIDI IN port, and replaces whatever was previously in memory.
This function is not reversible: Make sure you have saved all data before sending a
Sys Ex dump to the X2.
Mute Solo
The X2 provides a special Solo mode. Instead of the typical way of soloing using the
SOLO buttons, this mode lets you use the MUTE buttons to solo individual
channels. The main advantage is that by soloing a channel via the Mutes, you are
also affecting the Master L-R outputs and Group outputs as well. This is otherwise
known as “destructive” soloing, since normal soloing does not interfere with these
other outputs; only the Control Room outputs.
Mute Solo mode is accessed by holding ALT and pressing ONLINE (SOLO). The
ONLINE button’s LED will flash quickly. At this point, you can press any MUTE
button on the console and that channel’s mute will be off while all other mutes will
be on, thus being soloed. By pressing another MUTE button, that channel is now
unmuted. To exit Mute Solo mode, press ONLINE (SOLO) again; its LED will turn
off and the console will return to its previous mute status.