Description of Controls
X2 Reference Manual 75
inputs will be applied to the Aux Return ASSIGN switches and the STEREO
SEPARATION and BALANCE controls see below).
Hi and Lo EQ
These provide standard shelving controls. The HI knob range is +/- 15 dB at a fixed
frequency of 12 kHz. This means that frequencies above 12 kHz will be boosted or
cut by the same amount , and frequency response between 1 kHz and 12 kHz will
gradually rise or fall to the shelving point. The LO knob range is +/- 15 dB at a fixed
frequency of 80 Hz. This means that frequencies below 80 Hz will be boosted or cut
by the same amount, and frequency response will gradually rise or fall from 80 Hz
to about 1 kHz.
The PEAK LED will flash when the Aux Return’s level (post-EQ, pre-fader) is 15 dB
over nominal level. This is 3 dB before the channel electronics will distort. If it
flashes, reduce the level of the incoming signal until it stops flashing.
Stereo Separation
The STEREO SEPARATION knob allows continually variable control over the
“width” of the stereo image from MONO (hard left) to FULL (hard right).
The BALANCE knob controls the level of the signal being fed to the ASSIGN
switches (see below). In the center position, the Balance is at unity gain. Turning
BALANCE hard right increases the right signal, and totally removes the signal from
the left side. Turning the knob hard left has the opposite effect. Balance left routes
the signal to odd numbered Groups, balance right to even Groups. If the STEREO
SEPARATION control is in the MONO position, BALANCE functions similarly to a
pan control.
TO AUX 1–2 Level
The TO AUX 1-2 knob controls how much of the Aux Return’s signal will be sent to
both AUX SEND 1 and 2. This is a pre-fader, post-EQ stereo send typically used for
performer monitors and headphone feeds. Signals from the left input will go to Aux
1, and signals from the right input will go to Aux 2. The Aux 1-2 signal will not be
affected by the STEREO SEPARATION, BALANCE, or MUTE controls.
AUX A ASSIGN Switches (Aux A Only)
The Aux Return ASSIGN switches (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8) route the Aux Return to any of
the eight Group outputs. They work in the same way as the CHANNEL ASSIGN
switches (see page 63). Press these switches if you want to record an effect onto the
multitrack. Remember that the STEREO SEPARATION and BALANCE knobs have
an effect on the assignment.
GROUP MASTERS Switch (Aux B Only)