Connecting the X2
X2 Reference Manual 29
The PHONES connector (found on the front end of the console, directly below the
Master faders) is a stereo 1/4" jack which provides a substantial level to drive most
headphones. The signal level is controlled by the PHONES knob. The wiring scheme
is as follows.
Left Signal
Right Signal
The ADAT SYNC is a 9-pin, D connector which is designed to connect to an ADAT
system. The X2 uses the proprietary timecode found on an ADAT formatted tape to
synchronize its Dynamic Mute Automation system to tape. For more information,
refer to Chapter 5.
To synchronize the X2 to an ADAT system:
1 Connect one end of a male/male, D connector cable to the SYNC OUT
connector of the last ADAT in your system.
2 Connect the other end of this cable to the ADAT SYNC connector on the back of
the X2.
The MIDI IN, OUT and THRU are standard 5 pin DIN connectors, and are provided
for interfacing the Dynamic Mute Automation system with a MIDI sequencer or
other MIDI devices. The MIDI IN connector is for connecting to the MIDI Out of a
MIDI device, while the MIDI OUT connector is for connecting to the MIDI In of the
device. The X2’s MIDI THRU connector is provided for connecting other MIDI
equipment that you wish to control from the MIDI device you have connected to the
X2’s MIDI IN and MIDI OUT connectors.
For more information see Chapter 5.