Basic Configuration
• Command Confirmation: Enables/Disables the Command Confirmation feature.
When enabled, a "Sure" prompt will be displayed before power switching and
reboot commands are executed. When disabled, commands will be executed
without further prompting. (Default = On.)
• Automated Mode: When enabled, the MPC will execute switching and reboot
commands without displaying a confirmation prompt, status screen or confirmation
messages. For more information, please refer to Section 5.3.3 or Section 9.3.
(Default = Off.)
Note: When this option is enabled, security functions are suppressed, and
users are able to access configuration menus and control plugs without
entering a password. If security is a concern and the Automated Mode is
required, it is recommended to use the IP Security feature (Section 5.9.3) to
restrict access.
• Command Prompt: Allows the Text Interface command prompt to be set to either
"MPC", "IPS", "NPS", or "NBB." (Default = MPC.)
• Temperature Format: Determines whether the temperature is displayed as
Fahrenheit or Celsius. (Default = Fahrenheit.)
• Temperature Calibration: Used to calibrate the unit's internal temperature sensing
abilities. To calibrate the temperature, place a thermometer inside your equipment
rack, in a location that usually experiences the highest temperature. After a few
minutes, take a reading from the thermometer, and then key the reading into the
configuration menu. In the Web Browser Interface, the temperature is entered
at the System Parameters menu, in the Temperature Calibration field; in the Text
Interface, the temperature is entered in a submenu of the System Parameters menu,
accessed via the Temperature Calibration item. (Default = undefined.)
• Voltage Calibration: This option is used to calibrate the voltage readout on the
MPC front panel. To calibrate the voltage, first determine the approximate voltage
and then select the Voltage Calibration option and key in the correct voltage. In
the Web Browser Interface, the voltage is entered at the System Parameters menu
in the Voltage Calibration field. In the Text Interface, the voltage is entered in a
submenu of the System Parameters menu, which is accessed via the Voltage
Calibration item. (Default = undefined.)
• Audit Log: Enables/disables the Audit Log, and determines whether or not the
Audit Log will send SYSLOG messages to notify you of each logged event. When
enabled, the Audit Log will create a record of all power switching and reboot activity
at the MPC unit, including reboots and switching caused by Load Shedding, Load
Shedding Recovery, Ping No Answer Reboots and Scheduled Reboots. For more
information on the MPC's event logging functions, please refer to Section 5.3.4.
(Default = On without Syslog.)