13. Operation via SNMP
If SNMP Access Parameters have been defined as described in Section 5.9.6, then you
will be able to manage user accounts, control power and reboot switching and display
unit status via SNMP. This section describes SNMP communication with the MPC unit,
and lists some common commands that can be employed to manage users, control
switching and reboot actions and display unit status.
13.1. MPC SNMP Agent
The MPC’s SNMP Agent supports various configuration, control, status and event
notification capabilities. Managed objects are described in the WTI-MPC-MIB.txt
document, which can be found on the CDROM included with the MPC unit, or in the
user's guide archive on the WTI web site (http://www.wti.com/manuals.htm).
The WTI-MPC-MIB.txt document can be compiled for use with your SNMP client.
13.2. SNMPv3 Authentication and Encryption
The major limitations of SNMPv2 were the failure to include proper username/password
login credentials (v2 only used a password type of login, i.e., community name) and the
exclusion of encryption for data moving over the internet. SNMPv3 addresses both of
these shortcomings.
For SNMPv3, the MPC supports two forms of Authentication/Privacy: Auth/noPriv which
requires a username/password, but does not encrypt data going over the internet and
Auth/Priv which requires a username/password AND encrypts the data going over the
internet using DES (AES is not supported at this time). For the Password protocol, the
MPC supports either MD5 or SHA1.