The Status Screens
8.4. The Current Metering Log Screen
The Current Metering Log screen is used to display readings for Amps, Watts, Voltage
and temperature for the MPC unit as well as any optional AUX MPC units that may be
To view the Current Metering Log screen, access the MPC command mode and then
proceed as follows:
• Text Interface: Type /M and press [Enter].
• Web Browser Interface: Click on the "Current Metering" link on the left hand side
of the screen.
The Current Metering Status screen lists the following parameters for your local MPC
unit, as well as any attached AUX/Remote MPC units:
• Current A: The total current consumption, in Amps, for power circuit A.
• Voltage A: The total voltage for power circuit A.
• Power A: The total power consumption, in Watts, for power circuit A.
• Current B: The total current consumption, in Amps, for power circuit B.
• Voltage B: The total voltage for power circuit B.
• Power B: The total power consumption, in Watts, for power circuit B.
• Temperature: The rack temperature(s) currently detected by the MPC unit(s).
• Total Current: The total current, in Amps, for both power circuits.
• Total Power: The total power, in Watts, for both power circuits.
• Over Temperature: Lists the values for the Initial Threshold and Critical Threshold
for the Over Temperature Alarms. For more information on the Over Temperature
Alarms, please refer to Section 7.2.
• Over Current: Lists the values for the Initial Threshold and Critical Threshold for
the Over Current Alarms. For more information on the Over Current Alarms, please
refer to Section 7.1.