General Operation
Problem Resolution
Erratic Operation. • If the B051-000 is connected to a KVM switch, make sure to power on the switch before
powering on the B051-000.
• Press and hold the Reset button for longer than three seconds.
The Windows Client link doesn’t appear in the
Remote Console Display when I log in with Firefox.
The Windows Client link requires ActiveX. Since Firefox doesn’t support ActiveX only the
Java Applet is available.
The Java Applet
Problem Resolution
Java Applet won’t connect to the B051-000. 1. Java 6, Update 3 or higher must be installed on your computer.
2. Make sure to include the correct login string when you specify the B051-000’s IP
address. If a Default web page name is entered into the Security Settings screen (See
page 17), you will need to type it in at the end of the B051-000 URL.
3. Close out of your browser and try again.
National language characters don’t appear. Use the B051-000’s On-Screen Keyboard and make sure that the local and remote
computers are set to the same language. (See On-Screen Keyboard, page 40.)
There is no Virtual Media icon on my Control Panel. The virtual media function only supported by the Windows Client program.
When I log in, the browser generates a CA Root
certificate is not trusted or a Certificate Error
The certificate can be trusted; click on the link that says ‘Continue to this website (Not
recommended).’ (See page 12 for details.)
The Windows Client
Problem Resolution
Windows Client won’t connect to the B051-000. DirectX 7.0 or higher must be installed on your computer.
When I log in, the browser generates a CA Root
certificate is not trusted or a Certificate Error
The certificate can be trusted; click on the link that says ‘Continue to this website (Not
recommended).’ (See page 12 for details.)
Part of remote window is off my monitor. Use the AutoSync feature to sync the local and remote monitors.
Virtual Media doesn’t work. Make sure that the Virtual Media cable is properly connected. (See page 33. )
Mac Systems
Problem Resolution
The local and remote mouse pointers do not sync. There are two USB I/O settings for Mac computers. Mac 1 and Mac 2 (see Customization,
page 27). In general, Mac 1 works with older operating system versions, and Mac 2 works
with the newer ones. In some cases, however, the reverse is true. If you experience pointer
sync problems, try selecting the other mode.
Sun Systems
Problem Resolution
Video display problems with HD15 interface systems
(e.g. Sun Blade 1000 servers).
The display resolution should be set to 1024 x 768:
Under Text Mode: 1. Go to OK mode and issue the following commands:
setenv output-device screen:r1024x768x60
Under XWindow: 1. Open a console and issue the following command:
m64config -res 1024x768x60
2. Log out.
3. Log in.
Video display problems with 13W3 interface systems
(e.g. Sun Ultra servers).
The display resolution should be set to 1024 x 768:
Under Text Mode: 1. Go to OK mode and issue the following commands:
setenv output-device screen:r1024x768x60
Under XWindow: 1. Open a console and issue the following command:
m64config -res 1024x768x60
2. Log out.
3. Log in.
The local and remote mouse pointers do not sync. The default configuration is for the local and remote mouse pointers to automatically sync
when you connect; however, this is only supported by USB mice on Windows and Mac (G4
or higher) systems. You must select Manual as the Mouse Sync Mode choice, and sync the
pointers manually.