OpenLDAP Server
OpenLDAP Server Installation
OpenLDAP Server Configuration
Starting the OpenLDAP Server
After downloading the program, launch the installer, select your
language, accept the license and choose the target installation
directory. The default directory is:
c:\Program Files\OpenLDAP.
When the Select Components dialog box appears, select install BDB-
tools and install OpenLDAP-slapd as NT service, as shown in the
The main OpenLDAP configuration file, slapd.conf, has to be
customized before launching the server. The modifications to the
configuration file will do the following:
• SpecifytheUnicodedatadirectory.Thedefaultis./ucdata.
• ChoosetherequiredLDAPschemas.Thecoreschemais
• CongurethepathfortheOpenLDAPpid and args start up files.
The first contains the server pid, the second includes command line
• Choosethedatabasetype.Thedefaultisbdb (Berkeley DB).
• Specifytheserversufx.Allentriesinthedirectorywillhavethis
suffix, which represents the root of the directory tree. For example,
with suffix dc=tripplite,dc=com, the fully qualified name of all
entries in the database will end with dc=tripplite,dc=com.
To start the OpenLDAP server, run slapd (the OpenLDAP server
executable file) from the command line. slapd supports a number of
command line options, the most important option is the d switch that
triggers debug information. For example, a command of slapd -d
256 would start OpenLDAP with a debug level of 256, as shown in
the following screenshot:
• Denethenameoftheadministratorentryfortheserver(rootdn),
along with its password (rootpw). This is the server’s super user.
The rootdn name must match the suffix defined above. (Since all
entry names must end with the defined suffix, and the rootdn is an
• Anexamplecongurationleisprovidedinthegure,below:
Note: For details about slapd options and their meanings, refer to the
OpenLDAP documentation.