LDAP Configuration (co ntinue d)
AP Operation
d) Right-click on the user’s name and select properties.
e) On the Attribute Editor page of the dialog box that appears, select
permission from the list.
f) Click Edit to bring up the String Attribute Editor:
g) Replace the value shown with the desired B051-000 permission
attribute value. (See below for details.)
The Permission Attribute Value ismadeupoftwoparts;theIP
address of the B051-000 a user will access and a string that indicates
the access rights the user has on the B051-000 at that IP address. The
following rules apply to the makeup of the permission attribute value
• Anampersand(&)connectstheB051-000’sIPaddresswiththe
access rights string.
• Theaccessrightsstringismadeupofvariouscombinationsofthe
upper or lower case. The meaning of the characters is provided in
the Permission String Characters table, below.
• Thecharactersintheaccessrightsstringareseparatedbyacomma
(,). There are no spaces before or after the comma.
• IfauserhasaccessrightstomorethanoneB051-000,each
spaces before or after the semicolon.
Character Meaning
C Grants the user administrator privileges, allowing the user to configure the system.
W Allows the user to access the system via the Windows Client program.
J Allows the user to access the system via the Java Applet.
L Allows the user to access log information via the user’s browser.
V Limits the user’s access to only viewing the video display.
S Allows the user to use the Virtual Media function.
Access rights examples are given in the table below:
User Value Meaning
User1,v 1. User has Windows Client and View Only rights on a B051-000 with an IP address of
2. User has no rights on any other B051-000 units administered by the LDAP server.
User2;,c 1. User has Virtual Media rights on a B051-000 with an IP address of
2. User has Java Applet and Administrator rights on a B051-000 with an IP address of
3. User has no rights on any other B051-000 units administered by the LDAP server.
User3 v,l; 1. User has View Only and Log Information rights on all B051-000 units administered by the LDAP server.
2. User has Java Applet rights on a B051-000 with an IP address of
User4 User has no access rights to any B051-000 units administered by the LDAP server.
User5 v,w User has View Only and Windows Client rights on all B051-000 units administered by the LDAP server.
User6 v;;,j 1. User has View Only rights on all B051-000 units administered by the LDAP server, except for the ones
with IP addresses of and
2. User has no access rights on the B051-000 with an IP address of
3. User has Administrator and Java Applet rights on the B051-000 with an IP address of