WC-IOM-7 • Packaged Heat Pump 51
Method 2
To reset the system at the unit, cycle the unit power by turning the disconnect
switch “Off” and then “On”.
Lockouts can be cleared through the building management system. Refer to the
building management system instructions for more information.
Zone Temperature Sensor (ZTS) Service Indicator
The ZSM SERVICE LED is a generic indicator, that will signal the closing of a
Normally Open switch at any time, providing the Indoor Motor (IDM) is
operating. This indicator is usually used to indicate a clogged filter, or an air side
fan failure.
The RTRM will ignore the closing of this Normally Open switch for 2 (±1) minutes.
This helps prevent nuisance SERVICE LED indications. The exception is the LED
will flash 40 seconds after the fan is turned “On” if the Fan Proving Switch is not
Clogged Filter Switch
This LED will remain lit the entire time that the Normally Open switch is closed.
The LED will be turned off immediately after resetting the switch (to the Normally
Open position), or any time that the IDM is turned “Off”.
If the switch remains closed, and the IDM is turned “On”, the SERVICE LED will be
turned “On” again after the 2 (±1) minute ignore delay.
This LED being turned “On”, will have no other affect on unit operation. It is an
indicator only.
Fan Failure Switch
When the “Fan Failure” switch is wired to the RTOM, the LED will remain flashing
the entire time the fan proving switch is closed, indicating a fan failure, and it will
shut the unit operations down.