12 Packaged Heat Pump • WC-IOM-7
General Information
Smoke Detector Sensor (Optional)
This sensor is only applicable on units equipped with a RTOM. It provides high
limit “shutdown” of the unit and requires a manual reset. The sensor is used to
detect smoke due to fire in the air conditioning or ventilation ducts.
Important: The supply and return air smoke detectors are designed to shut off the
unit if smoke is sensed in the supply air stream or return air stream. This function
is performed by sampling the airflow entering the unit at the return air opening.
Follow the instructions provided below to assure that the airflow through the unit
is sufficient for adequate sampling. Failure to follow these instructions will
prevent the smoke detectors from performing it's design function. Important:
Airflow through the unit is affected by the amount of dirt and debris accumulated
on the indoor coil and filters. To insure that airflow through the unit is adequate
for proper sampling by the return air smoke detector, complete adherence to the
maintenance procedures, including recommended intervals between filter
changes, and coil cleaning is required.
Note: Important! Periodic checks and maintenance procedures must be
performed on the smoke detector to insure that it will function properly.
For detailed instructions concerning these checks and procedures, refer to
the appropriate section(s) of the smoke detector Installation and
Maintenance Instructions provided with the literature package for this
In order for the supply air smoke detector or return air smoke detector to
properly sense smoke in the supply air stream or return air stream, the air
velocity entering the smoke detector unit must be between 500 and 4000 feet per
minute. Equipment covered in this manual will develop an airflow velocity that
falls within these limits over the entire airflow range specified in the evaporator
fan performance tables.
Unit Inspection
As soon as the unit arrives at the job site:
• Verify that the nameplate data matches the data on the sales order and bill of
lading (including electrical data).
• Verify that the power supply complies with the unit nameplate specifications.
• Visually inspect the exterior of the unit, including the roof, for signs of
shipping damage.
• Visually inspect the internal components for shipping damage as soon as
possible after delivery and before it is stored. Do not walk on the sheet metal
base pans.
• If concealed damage is discovered, notify the carrier’s terminal of damage
immediately by phone and by mail. Concealed damage must be reported
within 15 days.
Request an immediate joint inspection of the damage by the carrier and the
consignee. Do not remove damaged material from the receiving location.