50 Packaged Heat Pump • WC-IOM-7
Test Mode = voltage alternates between 32 VDC & 0.75 VDC
Heat Failure
Measure the voltage between terminals J6-7 & J6-6.
Heat Operating = approximately 32 VDC
Heat Off = less than 1 VDC, approximately 0.75 VDC
Heating Failure = voltage alternates between 32 VDC & 0.75 VDC
Cool Failure
Measure the voltage between terminals J6-8 & J6-6.
Cool Operating = approximately 32 VDC
Cool Off = less than 1 VDC, approximately 0.75 VDC
Cooling Failure = voltage alternates between 32 VDC & 0.75 VDC
Service Failure
Measure the voltage between terminals J6-10 & J6-6.
Clogged Filter = Approximately 32 VDC.
Normal = Less than 1 VDC, approximately 0.75 VDC
Fan Failure = voltage alternates between 32 VDC & 0.75 VDC.
To use LED’s for quick status information at the unit, purchase a BAYSENS010B
ZSM and connect wires with alligator clamps to terminals 6 through 10. Connect
each respective terminal wire (6 through 10) from the Zone Sensor to the unit J6
terminals 6 through 10.
Note: If the system is equipped with a programmable zone sensor,
(BAYSENS019A, BAYSENS020A or BAYSENS023A), the LED indicators
will not function while the BAYSENS010A is connected.
Resetting Cooling and Heating Lockouts
Cooling Failures and Heating Lockouts are reset in an identical manner. Method 1
explains resetting the system from the space; Method 2 explains resetting the
system at the unit.
Note: Before resetting Cooling Failures and Heating Lockouts check the Failure
Status Diagnostics by the methods previously explained. Diagnostics will
be lost when the power to the unit is disconnected.
Method 1
To reset the system from the space, turn the “Mode” selection switch at the zone
sensor to the “Off” position. After approximately 30 seconds, turn the “Mode”
selection switch to the desired mode, i.e. Heat, Cool or Auto.