3. Exploring TomTom GO
Most of the things you can do in TomTom GO start
with a tap on a menu option. This chapter covers
these options and explains how to use them.
Tap roughly in the middle of the 3D display to make
the options menu appear. In working through
chapter 2, you'll have already seen how to use
'Navigate to...', the first option, to navigate to
somewhere from your current (GPS) position. And,
having planned a route already, you'll see that the
remaining menu options are now available (i.e. no
longer greyed-out).
Let's look in detail at each of these main menu
options. As you saw in chapter 2, there are several
screens of options, just tap on the button to
cycle between them.
3.1 Navigate to...
This is the simplest and most useful starting point
in TomTom GO. Given your current GPS position,
you can use this to navigate to any given address,
crossing or Point Of Interest. Tap on 'Navigate
to...' to display its own options screen.
'Recent destination' is a useful time-saver,
displaying a list of addresses, Points Of Interest
and other destinations that you've used before.
'Address' displays the same city/street grids
that you used in chapter 2, of course, so just
choose your destination in the same way.
Choosing 'Home' here is quick and obvious,
though if you chose not to set a home location
when setting up TomTom GO then this may still be
greyed out. For more on setting up a home location,
see section 5.15.
Similarly, 'Favourite' will also be greyed out
and unavailable if you haven't yet set any
favourites up. See section 3.5 for more on setting
up favourite locations.
'Point of interest' is your way into TomTom
GO's huge store of restaurants, filling stations,
cash dispensers, and so on. Tap on its icon to
display its own menu options.
If Tom Tom Go doesn't yet have a valid GPS signal,
it will display the message 'No valid GPS position'
at this point. You can still select a Point Of
Interest, although all calculations will be relative
to another point of your choice (such as your
home location).
Icons are shown for the five categories that
TomTom GO calulates that you use most often,
but if the one you now want isn't shown here then
tap on the button to bring up a grid with all
categories that are available.
Simply use the and buttons to scroll through
the list or tap a few letters of the required catego-
ry's name. When you see the one you want, just
tap on it, to display a list of all Points Of Interest in
that category, neatly sorted according to their
distance from your current position.
Again, use the and buttons to scroll through
the list or, if you know the name of the Point Of
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