There's a suitable one only a kilometre away but in
a part of town you don't know at all. You tap on the
cinema name to find it on the map.
Again, you tap on the cursor button and then
on 'Add as favourite' , to make sure you can
find it again quickly.
Finally, you tap on the cursor button one
more time, choosing 'Find nearby POI and
this time choose the 'Parking Garage' category.
There's a match nearby, thankfully, and you bring
it up on the map. Just round the corner from the
cinema. No problem.
Time to set off, so you tap on 'Done' to get back to
TomTom GO's main 3D view, then on 'Navigate
to...' and finally 'Favourite' , choosing the
car dealer.
You arrive 30 minutes later after a stress-free
drive. Once you've had a good look round, it's time
to 'Navigate to...' a 'Favourite' again, this
time choosing the cinema favourite. TomTom GO
chimes in helpfully, to get the next phase of your
day off and running. "At the end of the road, turn
5. Setting Your Preferences
You can change much of TomTom GO's look and
feel to your own liking by tapping on the
'Preferences' icon . To see all the options
described in this chapter, use the button to
cycle through the different pages.
Note that the icons shown for some preferences
will change, depending on the state the preference
is currently in. For example, tapping on 'Turn off
sound' disables the voice instructions. Once
disabled, the option and icon change to 'Turn on
sound' , reflecting the action to take when it
is tapped on.
After using a particular preference, you'll either be
returned to the main 3D view or back to the
'Preferences' menu itself, whichever TomTom GO
thinks is more appropriate.
5.1 Use night colours / Use day colours
Normally, TomTom GO uses bright colours with a
lot of contrast, so that you can see the map clearly
even in bright sunlight. When it is dark outside,
you may want to 'Use night colours' . The
map will then be displayed using dark and subdued
colours that will not interfere with your night
vision. In addition, the preference is changed to
'Use day colours' , tap on this to revert to
the original colour scheme.
See section 5.11 to learn how to choose between
different colour schemes.
5.2 Turn off 3D display / Turn on 3D display
One of TomTom GO's innovations is its main 3D
view, showing maps, routes and Points Of Interest
in true first person perspective. You can, however,
switch to a more conventional view if you really
want to. Tap on 'Turn off 3D display' to revert
to an overhead 'plan' map, albeit one which is
constantly rotated to keep your current direction
of travel pointing 'up' the screen. In addition, the
3.6113_TT GO Manual UK v7 22-04-2004 12:39 Pagina 12