
5.9 Switch map
5.10 Enable/Disable POI
5.11 Change map colours
5.12 Use larger keyboard / Use smaller keyboard
5.13 About TomTom GO
5.14 Set name display
5.15 Change Home location
5.16 Set metric units
5.17 Left-handed lay-out / Right-handed lay-out
5.18 Set schematic speed
5.19 Change voice
5.20 Switch Language
5.21 Set clock
5.22 Turn screen upside down
5.23 Change brightness
6. Connecting to Your PC 16
6.1 Adding and removing maps
6.2 Backing up
6.3 Voice prompts and more
6.4 Reinstalling TomTom GO software
6.5 Other selections
7. Common Questions and Troubleshooting 17
8. Battery 17
Appendix A: Specifications 17
Appendix B: Tele Atlas gets you thereā€¦ 18
Safety and Regulatory Information 2
1. Getting Started 3
1.1 Unpacking
1.2 Assembly
1.3 Starting up
2. Planning Your First Route 4
3. Exploring TomTom Go 7
3.1 Navigate to...
3.2 Find alternative...
3.3 Clear route
3.4 Plan from A to B
3.5 Add favourite
3.6 Guided tour
3.7 Show route instructions
3.8 Show status
4. Browsing the TomTom Go Maps 10
4.1 The Digital Map
4.2 Scrolling and scaling
4.3 The cursor
4.4 Cursor functions
4.5 Search functions
4.6 Map options
4.7 A real world example
5. Setting Your Preferences 12
5.1 Use night colours / Use day colours
5.2 Turn off 3D display / Turn on 3D display
5.3 Turn off map display / Turn on map display
5.4 Hide POI / Show POI
5.5 Turn off sound / Turn on sound
5.6 Change volume
5.7 Maintain favourites
5.8 GPS status
3.6113_TT GO Manual UK v7 22-04-2004 12:30 Pagina 1