Appendix B: Technical Reference 917
280 Else and ElseIf invalid outside of If..EndIf block
290 EndTry is missing the matching Else statement
295 Excessive iteration
300 Expected 2 or 3-element list or matrix
307 Flash application extension (function or program) not found
308 Flash application not found
310 First argument of nSolve must be a univariate equation
The first argument must be an equation, and the equation cannot
contain a non-valued variable other than the variable of interest. For
example, nSolve(3x^2-4=0, x) is a valid equation; however,
nSolve(3x^2-4, x) is not an equation, and nSolve(3x^2-y=0,x) is not
a univariate equation because y has no value in this example.
320 First argument of solve or cSolve must be an equation or inequality
For example, solve(3x^2-4, x) is invalid because the first argument is
not an equation.
330 Folder
An attempt was made in the VAR-LINK menu to store a variable in a
folder that does not exist.
335 Graph functions y1(x)...y99(x) not available in Diff Equations mode
345 Inconsistent units
350 Index out of range
360 Indirection string is not a valid variable name
380 Invalid ans()
390 Invalid assignment
400 Invalid assignment value
405 Invalid axes
410 Invalid command
420 Invalid folder name
430 Invalid for the current mode settings
440 Invalid implied multiply
For example, x(x+1) is invalid; whereas, x
∗(x+1) is the correct
syntax. This is to avoid confusion between implied multiplication and
function calls.
450 Invalid in a function or current expression
Only certain commands are valid in a user-defined function. Entries
that are made in the Window Editor, Table Editor, Data/Matrix Editor,
and Solver as well as system prompts such as Lower Bound cannot
contain any commands or a colon (:). See also “Creating and
Evaluating User-Defined Functions” in the Calculator Home Screen
Number Description