Symbolic Manipulation 264
Finding Proper Fractions and Common Denominators
Finding Proper Fractions and Common DenominatorsFinding Proper Fractions and Common Denominators
Finding Proper Fractions and Common Denominators
Use the
propFrac („ 7) and comDenom („ 6) functions.
In this example:
Find a proper fraction for the expression
N 2x
+x)/ (2x
Then transform the answer into a ratio of a
fully expanded numerator and a fully
expanded denominator.
Notice that
propFrac and comDenom perform
opposite operations.
Note: You can use comDenom with an
expression, list, or matrix.
propFrac(rational expression [,var])
for proper fractions with respect
to a variable
comDenom(expression [,var])
for common denominators that collect
similar powers of this variable
If you do this example
on your handheld, the
propFrac function
scrolls off the top of the