3D Graphing 378
• When you return to FUNCTION graphing mode, your y(x) functions are still defined
in the Y= Editor. When you return to 3D graphing mode, your
z(x,y) equations are
still defined.
Note: You can use the Define command from the Home screen (see the Technical
Reference module) to define functions and equations for any graphing mode, regardless
of the current mode.
Selecting the Display Style
Selecting the Display StyleSelecting the Display Style
Selecting the Display Style
Because you can graph only one 3D equation at a time, display styles are not available.
On the Y= Editor, the Style toolbar menu is dimmed.
For 3D equations, however, you can use:
– or -
8 Í
to set the Style format to WIRE FRAME or HIDDEN SURFACE.
Window Variables
Window VariablesWindow Variables
Window Variables
The Window Editor maintains an independent set of Window variables for each Graph
mode setting (just as the Y= Editor maintains independent function lists). 3D graphs use
the following Window variables.
Variable Description
eyeq, eyef,
Angles (always in degrees) used to view the graph.