Index- 16
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
integral math waveforms, 3 --193
clock, 3--63, 3--65, Glossary--13
data, 3--63, 3--64
Recovered clock, 3--74, 3--122
Rectangular window, 3--214, 3--216, 3--220, 3--235
clock, 2--11, C--15
color, 3--139
levels, 3--156, 3--157
levels method, 3--152
memory, Glossary--13
setup, C--1
waveforms, C --1, Glossary--13
Reference selection, C--15
Reference-level calculation methods, 3--152
References, 3--150
clear, 3-- 260
clearing, 3--260
delete, 3--260
Related manuals, xvi
Relative reference, 3 --152
Release notes, for plug & play software, 1--12
Remote communication, 3--282
Remove measurements, 3--154
repetitive signal, 3--36
Reset all, C-- 9
Reset histogram counting, 3--169
Reset histograms, C--12
Reset statistics, C--12
reset zoom factors, zoom menu, 3--136
Resolution, 3--24, 3--204, C--6
Resolution bandwidth, 3--207, 3--236
Restore help, C--16
Rise time, B-- 3, C--12, Glossary--14
Rising edge, A Trigger control window, 3--109, 3--111
Roll mode
auto, C--6
illustrated, 3 --32
incompatible with fast acquisitions, 3--47
untriggered, 3--32
untriggered, with single sequence, 3--32
using, 3--38
Run application, C--2
RUN/STOP, 3--35, 3--57
Run/stop, C--6, C--8
Run/Stop button only, 3--31
Runt setup, C--8
Runt trigger, 3--89, C--7, Glossary--14
A Trigger control window, 3--96
how to set up, 3--96–3--122
S/N ratio, B --5, C--12
Sample, 3 --28, 3 --35
Sample acquisition mode, Glossary-- 14
Sample interval, 3 --24, Glossary-- 14
defined, 3--41
Sample rate, maximum, 3 --46
Samples, number of, 3--31
Sampling, 3--42, Glossary--14
process, defined, 3--40
process, illustrated, 3 --40–3--46
Sampling and acquisition mode, 3--43
Sampling modes, C--6
Save format, e xport, 3--262
Save waveform, C--1
Saving a setup, 3--245
Saving a waveform , 3--253
Scale, 3--127
horizontal, C--6
vertical, 3--192, C--1, C--4
Scaling and positioning, 3--11
Screen, C--11
Screen saver, 3--140, C --10
Screen te xt, 3--138, C--9, Glossary--14
Second monitor setup, 1--17
Select for copy, C--3
Select for export, C--2
Select input coupling, 3--14
Select Input Termination, 3--14
Select polarity, 3--102
Select the input signal channe l, 3--13
Select waveform interpolation, 3--142
Selected waveform , Glossary --15
Selecting zoom, 3--133
Sequential triggering, 3 --113
Serial number, C--16
Serial patte rn setup, C --8
Serial patte rn triggering, 3 --122
Serial patte rn, trigger, C--7
Service support, cont act inform ation, xvi i
Set FFT vert scale, 3--233
Set horizontal acquisition window, 3--16
SET LEVEL TO 50% button, 3--80
Set math ave rages, C--15
Set thresholds, A Trigger control window, 3--106,
Set time & date, C--15
Set to 50%, main trigger menu, 3--80
Set to ECL, A Trigger control window, 3--102
Set to TTL, A Trigger control window, 3--102
Set vertical acquisition window, 3--15