Appendix A: Specifications
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table A- 4: Trigger specifications
Characteristic Description
Trigger jitter, typical
CSA7404, CSA7154, TDS7404,
TDS7254, & TDS7154
6 ps rms for low frequency, fast rise time signal
TDS7104 & TDS7054 σ =8ps
TDS6604 & TDS6404 Internal: 7ps rms for low frequency square wave with 5 div amplitude, fast rise time
<200 ps, repetition rate <10 kHz
Auxiliary: 10ps rms for 5 V step signal with rise time <2 ns and repetition rate
<10 kHz
n Edge Trigger Sensitivity
CSA7404, CSA7154, TDS7404,
TDS7254, TDS7154,
TDS6604, & TDS6404
All sources, for vertical scale settings ≥10 mV/div and ≤1V/div
Trigger Source Sensitivity
Main trigger, DC coupled ≤0.5 div from DC to 50 MHz
CSA7404, TDS7404,
TDS6604, & TDS6404:
≤1.5 div at 3 GHz
CSA7154: & TDS7154
≤1 div at 1.5 GHz
Delayed trigger, DC coupled ≤0.5 div from DC to 50 MHz, increasing
Auxiliary input, DC coupl ed ≤250 mV from DC to 50 M Hz, increas-
ing to 350 mV at 500 MHz
TDS7054 Any channel, DC coupled 0.35 div from DC to 50 MHz, increasing
to 1 div at 500 MHz
Auxiliary input 400 mV from DC to 50 MHz, increasing
to 750 mV at 100 MHz
TDS7104 Any channel, DC coupled 0.35 div from DC to 50 MHz, increasing
Auxiliary input 250 mV from DC to 50 MHz, increasing
to 500 mV at 100 MHz