Appendix A: Specifications
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table A- 2: Channel input and vertical specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
Effective bits, typical
CSA7404, CSA7154, TDS7404,
TDS7254, & TDS7154
Nine division sine wave input at the indicated frequency, sampled at 50 mV/division
and 20 GS/s
Input frequency Effective bits
1MHz 6.0 bits
1GHz 5.7 bits
1.5 GHz 5.5 bits
2 GHz, CSA7404, TDS7404, & TDS7254
5.3 bits
2.5 GHz, CSA7404, TDS7404, &
TDS7254 only
5.2 bits
3 GHz, CSA7404 & TDS7404 only 5.1 bits
4 GHz, CSA7404 & TDS7404 only 4.9 bits
TDS7054 Sine wave input at the indicated frequency and pk-pk am plit ude, at 50 mV/division
and 25 °C
Signal and i nput conditions Effective bits
1 MHz, 9.2 div, 2 GS/s sample rate,
Sample acquisition mode
6.8 bits
1 MHz, 9.2 div, 10 MS/s sample rate,
HiRes acquisition mode
8.7 bits
500 MHz, 6.5 div, 2 GS/s sample rate,
Sample acquisition mode
6.8 bits
TDS7104 Sine wave input at the indicated frequency and pk-pk am plit ude, at 50 mV/division
and 25 °C
Signal and i nput conditions Effective bits
1 MHz, 9.2 div, 10 GS/s sample rate,
Sample acquisition mode
6.6 bits
1 MHz, 9.2 div, 10 MS/s sample rate,
HiRes acquisition mode
8.7 bits
1 GHz, 6.5 div, 10 GS/s sample rate,
Sample acquisition mode
5.5 bits