
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table 6- 2: Cal Debug Messages and Meanings (Cont.)
Message Meaning
ERROR in VERTICAL OFFSET: Cannot span down on calibrat or Could not keep calibrator signal on screen when spanning down to
1 MHz span, 5 MHz filter.
ERROR in VERTICAL OFFSET: Cannot set calibrator to full
screen, scale X,where X is one of:
10 dB/div
The signal could not be set to full screen with the RF attenuators,
VR gain steps, and VR fine gain in the specified scale fact or.
ERROR in VERTICAL OFFSET: Out of range, scale X, where X
is one of:
10 dB/div
The calculated result for this test was outside reasonabl e limits.
ERROR in PREAMP GAIN: Cannot span down on calibrator On the second attempt, the calibrator could not be centered
sufficiently to go to zero span without losing the signal.
ERROR in PREAMP GAIN: Cannot calculat e lin mode sensitivity Lin mode sensitivity figures were outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in PREAMP GAIN: Cannot bring signal on with
Once the preamp was turned on, the signal could not be brought
down below full screen with the RF attenuators.
ERROR in PREAMP GAIN: Result out of range The calculated result for this test was outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in LOGGING ERROR: Lost signal while spanning down On the second attempt, the cali brat or could not be centered
sufficiently to go to zero span without losing the signal.
ERROR in LOGGING ERROR: Cannot set signal to full
screen (1)
Initially, the calibrator signal could not be set to full screen with the
RF attenuators, VR gain st eps, or VR fine gain DAC.
ERROR in LOGGING ERROR: Cannot set signal to full
screen (2)
The calibrator could not be set to full screen for one of the three
log mode scale factors.
ERROR in LOGGING ERROR: Out of range The calculated result for this test was outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in SENSITIVITY: Result out of range (1) The peak of the unfiltered noise floor minus the peak of the filtered
noise floor was outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in SENSITIVITY: Result out of range (2) The peak sensitivity with preamp on was out of range.
ERROR in SENSITIVITY: Result out of range (3) The peak sensitivity with preamp off was out of range.