2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
This manual contains service information for the 2715 S pectrum Analyzer. The
service information is located in two volumes. Volume 1 contains the mainte-
nance procedures and parts lists. Volume 2 contains the component locators and
schematic diagrams.
This manual is divided into the following sections.
H Section 1: Specifications, contains characteristic tables detailing Electrical
Characteristics, Mechanical Characteristics, and Environmental Character-
H Section 2: Operating Information, contains information on how to install and
operate the product.
H Section 3: Theory of Operation, contains both a general and detailed circuit
description of the various modules that make up the instrument.
H Section 4: Performance Verification, is a procedure to ensure, when passed,
that the product operates properly and meets its advertised performance
H Section 5: Adjustment Procedures, is a procedure to ensure that, when
performed, the product can meet the performance levels for characteristics
listed in Section 1, Specifications.
H Section 6: Maintenance, contains instructions for removal and replacement
of internal modules or components.
H Section 7: Options, describes all options available for this instrument.
H Section 8: Replaceable Electrical Parts, is a list of replaceable assemblies
and electrical components.
H Section 9: Diagrams, Refer to the 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Volume 2.
H Section 10: Replaceable Mechanical Parts, is a list of replaceable assemblies
and mechanical components. Exploded-view illustrations are included to
relate assemblies to the parts list.
The following manuals are also available for the 2715 Spectrum Analyzer.
H 2715 User Manual provides information necessary to operate the 2715
Spectrum Analyzer.
H 2714 & 2715 Programmer Manual includes all GPIB commands, queries,
and responses for the instrument.
H The Cable TV RF Measurement Software Manual describes how to use the
Cable TR RF Measurements Software, a test system that measures cable TV