
Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
4. Reset the step attenuator to 0 dB. Disconnect the cable from the Power Meter
sensor and connect it to the RF INPUT.
5. Perform frequency normalizations (if not previously done) by pressing
UTIL 3 1.
6. Start the first gain step measurement by pressing UTIL55101W.The
instrument will make a measurement and return to GAIN STEP REF menu.
7. Start the second measurement by pressing 21and entering the actual value
of the 10 dB step attenuator determined in part (3).
8. Finish the gain step normalization by adding 10 dB of attenuation in the
signal path and pressing 2W.
9. Press BKSP to return to the REFERENCE NORMALIZATIONS menu.
Use the following procedure to set the Internal Reference Frequency:
1. Connect a 100,000,000.0 Hz signal to the RF INPUT. Set the controls for a
full screen display.
2. Center the signal by pressing CTR-MEAS/TRKG.
3. Initiate reference frequency normalization by pressing UTIL5511,and
follow screen prompts.