1780R-Series Service Manual
The 1780R-Series can be mounted in a portable case. This case is an optional
accessory, and is nomenclated 1780F02. The portable case consists of a metal
cabinet with feet, front elevating bail, carrying handle (all installed), and front
and back protective covers. See Figure 2–12. Instrument mounting in the
portable case is identical to that of the rack-mount cabinet. See Figure 2–8 for
location of the mounting screws.
The 1780F02 portable case has sufficient length (SN B010500 for this portable
case; not the instrument) to protect the rear-mounted fan, connectors, cable
connections, and power cord when the instrument is placed on its rear during
The feet located on the bottom and left sides of the case allow the instrument to
be placed in either of these positions for operation, transportation, or storage.
The front and rear covers are identical so they are interchangeable.
Figure 2–12: Portable case for the 1780R-Series Video Measurement Set. Case has
handle, feet, and an elevating bail along with two panel covers
Initial Calibration
Once the 1780R-Series has been installed in the rack or portable case, some
simple calibration steps will need to be performed. An accurate Color Bar signal
and a 1 V square wave are the only external signals required to perform the steps
in the procedure that follows. The procedure used here is similar to the one
provided to operating personnel in the Operator’s Manual.
Portable Case Installation